Kicking it with Style

The influence of the Tae Kwon Do kicking style is one of the cornerstones of our curriculum here at West Coast World Martial Arts. Originally founded as the West Coast Institute of Tae Kwon Do under Grand-masters Ernie Reyes and Tony Thompson, we pride ourselves in carrying on the tradition of TKD through dynamic kicking combinations and precision sparring techniques. 

There are three main components that build the necessary parts to an effective, powerful kick: Chamber, Lockout, and Recoil. The different angles of chamber and the areas of striking surfaces on the foot will vary the type of kick executed. To put it simply, all of our main kicks go through the process of: bend, kick, re-bend.

All of the kicks in our system can be traced to the big four: Front Kick, Roundhouse Kick, Side Kick, and Back Kick.

Front Kick is a snapping kick that travels vertically in front of the body using the ball of the foot to strike the target.

Roundhouse Kick is one of the most widely used kicks in martial arts. It travels horizontally around the side of the target with the striking area being the instep or ball of the foot.

Side Kick is a devastating kick that performed using the outer edge of the heel. It starts chambered by the hip and travels in a straight line laterally to the target.

Back Kick can be considered a turning Side Kick that is done from the backside. It is considered one of the most powerful kicks, combining incredible torque directed in a straight line to the target.

Advanced martial artists that have trained leg strength and flexibility through exercise and stretching can be seen doing amazing acrobatic feats. It is important to understand that even the flashiest of tricks have basic building blocks that can be honed with daily, consistent practice. Keep kicking!